Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ethan and Hannah

Ethan and Hannah are BEST BUDS!! They are so good to eachother. Ethan loves it when Hannah goes to sleep and he always wants to hold the sleeping baby, for just a few minutes, then wake her up.
One day, these two were very obsessed with getting their hair done. They had to break out the head bands clips and pony tail holders. They loved it! They did and undid their hair for a couple of hours.
Ethan really misses Idaho and wants to go back very badly (along with the other kids). They like it here too, just really miss the wonderful family back home!
Hannah is a big coppy cat anymore. She is really picking up on everyone's phrases. Right now she is very into anyone that is crying or talking on the phone. She loves to ask "who's that" when anyone is on the phone. She also shows great concern for anyone crying and has to examine their faces, then mimic them and fake cry! It is quite funny to the onlooker but not so much to the cryer!
Ami, Brinton and Connor are doing GREAT in school. Brinton's grades have very weighted test scores, so he has learned that it is important to study for the tests. He is doing wonderfully in football, plays all but a few minutes of the games (both sides of the ball). And he is doing well on the trombone. Not to mention that he is a GOOD kid and a great example to others.
Amaris is also doing well in band on the drums. She likes it and loves that some of her church friends are in her percussion class. She is getting to be very good at volleyball and their team is doing well together and really learning the game. Now if we can just keep her and Connor away from the toilet plungers, we will be good!!
Connor is learning lots and is a very sweet boy. He has a cute friend named Kaliegh. He is going to play basket ball this coming season and in the block football, he can out-do some of the older kids!