Friday, November 20, 2009

Brinton and Amaris are starting basketball now!! They both came home the other night and wanted to take some pictures and they had a bunch of fun with Dad taking them!!

Amaris is doing well, she made the A team!!YEAH!!!! Brinton Made the JV team. And Ethan had to help them pose. He is the upcoming star!!

Here are some LATE pictures of Halloween when we went to San Antonio. We met up with Grandpa and had a BLAST! At the drive-through Zoo, we almost lost Ethan to an Ostrich and about had to take Grandpa back to the hotel to change!!

We also had a blast at the natural caverns. With all of the rainfall we had this year, the bottom level was 14 ft under water from the aquaphor. The rocks, stalagmites; stalagtites, were named for their appearances. But of course, sometimes we thought we had come up with better names, like one that looked like an alligator.

Amari and Grandpa had fun posing for several picures in the natural caverns.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

kids having fun

The kids were having fun!! They all wanted their pictures taken... all but Connor. It was taking just too long for Hannah, and she was getting restless. But just minutes earlier, her and Ashlynn were hamming it up in their jammies.

They love the bottom stair!! They use it for everything!! They even play taking naps there and putting their babies to sleep there.

Hannah found all the sunglasses and had to wear them all. She was so silly!!

Everyone is doing well! The weather has been chilly and have had to break out the jeans and long sleeves. As always, no one is ever ready to put the shorts away!! I cannot believe how fast time flies, it is almost Halloween again. Christmas stuff is already on the shelves. I hope and pray that everyone has a wonderful end of the year and may the Lord bless you, that all may have joy and be centered around Jesus and not so much of the material world. We all miss you very much and hope to be able to see everyone soon.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Ok, this looks pretty interesting!! It is my birthday salad! My birthday this year was on a Sunday... Dan suprised me and made some wonderful Munster Chicken with green salad. He played it up beautifully and said that he didn't have time to make my cake so we were having a salad for cake this year!! What a great idea (nice and healthy!) Some of course didn't think this was a very good idea at all though. Well, we ate our dinner and Dan went to the garage and came back with this lovely and delicious cake!! The kids couldn't believe it!

Well... I guess the clock on my camera must be about 12 hours off, because, yes it was Monday the 24th. The first day of school. Patrick and Connor are 6 months apart and in 3rd and 4th grades this year. They are very excieted to be in school.
I think it will be a good year.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

This is what I come home to some mornings!..., where does mom get to climb into bed???
Then some mornings... are interesting like this!

We have had a good summer! Enjoyed being on the lake!! Although we miss everyone, it has been a good year! I cannot believe school is going to start in one more week. Wow... here comes fall!

Connor had his 9th birthday! He got his own table top CD/radio player, watch (so he can come home on time), and a few other things.

These munchkins just love to take pictures!! Such dolls!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Ok, so it has been a SUPER long time since I have been able to get on the computer to blog! Everyone is doing well. Glad to be out of school for the summer. Although we have had a wet start to things this year, there is no drought here right now. Brinton threw shot put and diskus in track this year.

Hannah and Ashlyn pose for the camera.
Everyone LOVES to wear Mom's shoes. The white ones are their absolute favorite. Even Ethan loves to join in the fun.

Boy, Dad LOVES his fish!! The boys really have a great time together fishing. We save them up then have a great couple of meals. They love going out to catch them, cutting them up and then compairing the filets to eachother.

Now we can all go fishing together! And on the side... perhaps ski, tube or Connor's wish, parasail!

Amaris had her Birthday on Tuesday!! Happy 12th! Also a Happy Birthday to Dad the day before. Ethan had to tell Grandpa Happy Birthday and wanted to "talk like for 4 hours".

We LOVE and miss ya'll very much. Hope some can come brave the Texas heat and humidity soon!! PS... we now have a great way to cool down and have a little fun.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ok, here are pictures from Hannah's 2nd Birthday. She was precious!! The puppy is the one she actually got to dig into. She also got a jeep, which she can only be a passenger in right now because she can't quite figure out that she needs to steer while she is pushing the pedal.
Brinton played 8th grade BB this year. Did a great job and had fun. While it is finished, track has just begun. We went shopping for shoes, SIZE 14!!! Is his foot ever going to stop growing??? This weekend was the young men's BB tournaments. There was two teams that had Varsity HS ball players that showed up and that made it a bit frustrating because most everyone else were deacons. Some refused to believe that B. is only 13and eventhough he's got a big foot, he's also got a big heart. He's a good kid and I'm proud of him. He was also just called deacon's quarm president.
Ethan and Hannah just had to model B's jersey, they thought they were COOL!!!
Amaris is going to be 12 in June and gets to go to girls camp this year. She has also already been asked to play in jazz band next year. Connor has just finished BB for the season as well. He had a good time and learned to play with a team. He was the tallest boy on his team as well as most of the other teams. Anyway, we miss everyone and hope you are all well. He has his TAKS test on Tues, good luck to him!
I just cannot believe my babies are getting so big, it makes me feel SO OLD!!! Anyway, I hope you are all doing well. We miss you all!!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Ok, Ok... So I got the pictures on here backwards! Too late, I'm not going to try to rearrange or start over. We had a WONDERFUL trip to Idaho for the week of Christmas. We were so glad to be able to see everyone and have a break from things. The kids really enjoy all of the family and of course Ethan still doesn't think it is very far to Aunt Ana's and Steven's house or Joseph's house and so we can just go at any time. Ok for the explination of this little sleeping lion; he got this at the first ER we had to stop in in Utah to try to get the battery out of his nose. He really loves the mask (still). We also had a great time at the jump zone!
I really thought I captured more pictures on Christmas day, however it is apparent that I was mistaken. But we were glad to be able to spend the time with family, that makes it seem so much more special. We love you all so very much and are greatful that we can be and eternal family. We are also so greatful that we could be there for Michaela and her family on that special day. I'm greatful for the gospel and what it brings into our lives. Thank you to everyone for being so special, loving and kind.
Thanks to Mom and Dad for sharing their house and facilities, and time with us. You two are so wonderful, and are glad that we have parents/grandparents like you.

Aslo, I really don't know why this page goes crazy with the spacing after I publish it. It looks strange, but haven't figured out how to change it!