Sunday, October 11, 2009

kids having fun

The kids were having fun!! They all wanted their pictures taken... all but Connor. It was taking just too long for Hannah, and she was getting restless. But just minutes earlier, her and Ashlynn were hamming it up in their jammies.

They love the bottom stair!! They use it for everything!! They even play taking naps there and putting their babies to sleep there.

Hannah found all the sunglasses and had to wear them all. She was so silly!!

Everyone is doing well! The weather has been chilly and have had to break out the jeans and long sleeves. As always, no one is ever ready to put the shorts away!! I cannot believe how fast time flies, it is almost Halloween again. Christmas stuff is already on the shelves. I hope and pray that everyone has a wonderful end of the year and may the Lord bless you, that all may have joy and be centered around Jesus and not so much of the material world. We all miss you very much and hope to be able to see everyone soon.