Friday, November 2, 2007

just in!!

Hi there!! It has been quite some time since I have been able to get on the computer. So... since I had a ton of pictures I thought I would put them in a slide show!!
Of course they are pretty self explanitory.
Connor has enjoyed playing soccer this year. Hannah is just having fun growing and exploring her world. She loves to wave and go the back door and wave at everyone/anything out there. She used to knock on the door to get the dog's attention and then bounce up and down playing with her. But since someone stole the dog, I did not get a picture of that. Ethan loves to be a big brother to Hannah. We also enjoyed the pumpkin patch together. They all loved to feed the animals. Ethan and Ami also found a cat they chased and finally cought and of course begged to keep.
They all had fun on Halloween this year and of course now we have just way too much candy!!
Hannah is getting her first two teeth on the bottom and has been a bit sick with runny nose and slobbery shirts. It has made for a few miserable nights this week.
Anyway, we miss you all tons!!


amber said...

IT IS ABOUT TIME!!!! I love the slide show!!! Ok I am all teary eyed as your whole family is so adorable and my oh my how they've grown!!! Brinton looks like such a hunk and reminds me of pictures of Terry that I've seen. I'm missing all of this!!! We'll definately have to come and visit sometime soon!!! Brent sometimes travels to Texas for seminars.....the next one I'll just have to join him and we can go and visit! Give all the kids smooches for us as all those pictures make me miss you all like crazy!!! Great soccor pics too. How did you turn half of it black and white and the kids were still in color???? Love you all lots!!!!

Meagon said...

If the kids are bringing home stray cats, they must be yours. :) I love your pics. I can't believe someone stole your dog. How sad.

Our Unique Family said...

Hey Hey its me yor sis in california. well I have finally joined you all in the blog mania, I never seem to have your current e-mail address but this is a better way anyhow. I cant believe how big you family has become and everyone is getting to be so grown up. I still cant believe I have an almost 5 year old little girl, its crazy how fast time goes when your grown.... well I hope all is well and here is the link to my blog..
love you April