Monday, December 1, 2008

hi there!!

Ok, I decided to post these old pictures because they are too funny! Our kids love to catch the lizards that hang around... so we had some pet lizards for the summer while the food supply was good. They loved to take them out just like pets and hold them, feed them and carry them all over. Hannah is just too upset because she LOVES them and Ethan has is in his hand at the moment.
She gets it and is just thrilled to death, then won't let it go!!

I didn't get a chance to post the Halloween one, so here it is! They all had a blast. Brinton and Dan stayed home to pass out candy, hide behind the tree and scare the bigger kids that would come up.

Ok, Ami is trying her hardest to get a pict with Hannah and their cousin. It was tough to get them to sit there for a pict. Ashlyn kicked her shoe off and that is what all the funny faces are for! And Hannah just thinks she's Miss Cool!

We had a good Thanksgiving, missed everyone very much. But... we have so much that we are thankful for!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Crazy sixes

Ok I don't know which Jennifer was tagged on Carrian's blog, but, I'll respond anyway...
Also, I couldn't think of crazy eights, so I changed it to sixes!!
6 tv shows:
Monk, 48 hours, Psych, Sabrina, CSI-Miami, Bewitched (Which I haven't seen in quite a while, I don't even know if they air it anymore.)
6 things I did yesterday:
Slept, went to church, changed many diapers, played peek-a-boo, watched "Get Smart", ate wonderful chicken soup Dan made.
6 places I like to eat:
Home, Texas Road House, On the Border, Chili's, Macaroni Grill, Pizza Hutt
6 things I look forward to:
A house that stays clean, having two days off in a row, going to Idaho to see everyone, changing up the backyard, being a stay at home mom again, cuddling up and watching a funny movie with hubby (at night)!
6 wish list:
I wish I could wiggle my nose like Samantha (on Bewitched).
I wish Idaho wasn't so far away...But then if I could wiggle my nose, it wouldn't matter!!
I wish we all had snow skiing stuff so we could all go SNOW skiing!
I wish I was an optimist.
I wish Football didn't exist on Sundays.
I wish I had some nice hot home-made chili right now!!
6 people to tag:
Meagon, Pat, April, Amber, Jan, DAD!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ethan and Hannah

Ethan and Hannah are BEST BUDS!! They are so good to eachother. Ethan loves it when Hannah goes to sleep and he always wants to hold the sleeping baby, for just a few minutes, then wake her up.
One day, these two were very obsessed with getting their hair done. They had to break out the head bands clips and pony tail holders. They loved it! They did and undid their hair for a couple of hours.
Ethan really misses Idaho and wants to go back very badly (along with the other kids). They like it here too, just really miss the wonderful family back home!
Hannah is a big coppy cat anymore. She is really picking up on everyone's phrases. Right now she is very into anyone that is crying or talking on the phone. She loves to ask "who's that" when anyone is on the phone. She also shows great concern for anyone crying and has to examine their faces, then mimic them and fake cry! It is quite funny to the onlooker but not so much to the cryer!
Ami, Brinton and Connor are doing GREAT in school. Brinton's grades have very weighted test scores, so he has learned that it is important to study for the tests. He is doing wonderfully in football, plays all but a few minutes of the games (both sides of the ball). And he is doing well on the trombone. Not to mention that he is a GOOD kid and a great example to others.
Amaris is also doing well in band on the drums. She likes it and loves that some of her church friends are in her percussion class. She is getting to be very good at volleyball and their team is doing well together and really learning the game. Now if we can just keep her and Connor away from the toilet plungers, we will be good!!
Connor is learning lots and is a very sweet boy. He has a cute friend named Kaliegh. He is going to play basket ball this coming season and in the block football, he can out-do some of the older kids!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Random pics of Summer

Ok, here is our latest... Little Ms. Hannah is a CLIMBER!! She obviously likes to brush her teeth. She can open our doors so, she gets herself into some trouble! She sneaks in and climbs up into the sink, and she does also turn the faucet on!! What a mess! Also this week, she snuck in the kid's bathroom and climbed onto the counter to get their toothpaste... it wound up all over the couch and pillows and in her hair!
She also, like Brooklyn, LOVES shoes. She is modeling Amaris'high heels.

Ethan Loves to help around the house! He has become quite fond of vaccuming. It actually keeps him entertained! One day he was pretty whiney and I needed to vaccum and so I asked him if he wanted to and it cheered him up right away!?

Of course this is at Connor's baptism. It was very nice to have family down, because we were the only ones there!! Thanks to Mom and Dad for coming.

Brinton made us some yummy cream puffs! Hannah I think loved them the most! She even tried to wipe more off the tray and lick her fingers!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Birthday Suprise

I have to tell everyone what a Wonderful husband I have!! It was my birthday yesterday and of course since I get the left-over shifts and have to peice my days together from 3 different departments, I ended up working on my birthday. Not such a bad thing, but my hubby and kids thought it was horrible! Anyway... they took me out to dinner for my birthday and I thought that was that! Well, about 10:00 Dan and Hannah show up and he feeds me a line that he had to take Hannah for a ride because she was just not cooperating at home. Well, I had to show her all the babies thru the window and then decided to walk them to the car. As we get to the bottom floor and to the waiting room, the rest of the family was there waiting with cake, flowers and presents! I had really been wanting to make Ami a flip flop (sandle) cake because it just looked so darn cute, so, guess what kind of cake they made??? A flip flop cake. I wish he'd taken a pict but didn't. Anyway, he had even put them on graham cracker sand with chocolate shells. We went to the break room and enjoyed cake together!! I have such an awesome family!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


MEMORY TAG!!!1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. I can't wait to see what people remember.***Isn't this cute? I tag EVERYONE!!!

Monday, June 30, 2008


Ok... So here is the first post in a LONG time! I just don't get a chance to get on the computer anymore! Well, our vacation to Idaho was long overdue for all the kids. They miss everyone tremendously! We had lots of fun and thank everyone! The trip up was an adventure and thankful we didn't get caught in the tornado just hours after we left. Hannah is giving everyone kisses, Ethan is enjoying the headphones and movies. We all enjoyed the 4 wheelers Pat and Jan took us on... THANK YOU and dinner was great! We had lots of fun in the canyon rolling down the hills and just looking at the falls, going to the boat docks and getting a little wet. The week started out COLD and we even had to go buy jackets! But by the end of the week it was nice! We went to the city of rocks and all but me had a good time (I was too busy being worried about everyone). OK... it wasn't that bad. The hot springs were nice and warm and we all had fun swimming. Celebrating Dad's and Ami's birthdays was also nice. Thanks to everyone... We all miss you!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I know that this is not the best pic but it is the best most recent one of the kids. All the boys need their hair cut. Anyway, they are all good and doing well.
We had gone on a bike ride together and I missed and cute pict... Hannah was just so tired that not even 2 minutes into the ride (her and Ethan ride together in the trailer) she was sleeping. Ethan loves the bike so much, he didn't want to stop. He even had a 30 min. ride. I guess I wouldn't want to stop either if someone else was doing the work.
Well, how is the weather in other places? Here, we have had very strong winds, rain and even a tornado warning today that kept Brinton's school on lockdown in the tornado safe room for an hour after school was supposed to be out. Anyway, Ami and Connor get out of school 45 minutes earlier than B., so they were just barely out. Well, we all want to visit and see everyone. Or maybe even someone, or lots of someones could come here for a visit!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ok, I'll start from the beginning. It has been a while to post because we have had a lot of things going on in our lives. Also, I could not get the laptop to download pics and then could not get internet access. Of course I try to post while at work when there is enough down time to think.

I will tell about the pics by order of date. Connor loves to hold Hannah of course when she'll let him. They are cute together!! Next is our wishy washy weather... SNOW!! This is only one of the two days that week that it snowed. It melted the next day and then the next snowed again. The kids loved it allthough we have no more winter/snow clothes anymore. Suprisingly enough, Ethan was not interested in going outside at all. Hannah was terrified of snowballs. Brinton, Amaris and Connor and Patrick would have gone out in shorts and no shoes if allowed!! We managed to round up some gloves and hats/scarfs but not any boots, so of course their feet got wet. Hannah is caught outside after the rain trying to get a drink from the left over water from the gutters (YUCK!!). She LOVES being outside, screams and throws a fit when it is time to come in or if someone goes out without her. The next picture is from the easter package from mom, she put in a duck that flaps it's wings and moves it's beak. Hannah thinks it is funny to put her face it its beak!! Silly girl. Oh yes, and how could I forget Ethan's third birthday!!! SWEETY.

Anyway, I must say that we have had an awesome ward in thier willingness to help us in our time of need with the drastic change we went through. I know that this the ward that we are supposed to be in. The people are truly amazing. Our kids have also been troopers in how they have been accepting and willing to help, share and love others. We hope all of you are well and doing great! We miss you all so very much.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Ok... I have put quite a few pics on, but... oh well! Of course it was Hannah's birthday on Thursday, 17th and she's now the big #1. We had a fun time. Everyone wanted to go to Pandas Chinese buffet, so that is what we had for dinner. Then, we came home and the kids thought it was great fun to take all the balloons up stairs and toss them over the edge and try to run down stairs to keep them off the floor. Great exercise too!! Hannah was cute with her cake. She was just using her thumb and index finger to pick in it, so then daddy of course had to show her how to pick up the whole piece and get a good bite. After a coupleof bites, she had enough. She took it and dropped it off the side of her tray and then just picked at the crumbs. I also had to stick in the pics of her on Sunday because they were so cute and she thinks everything is a phone and puts it to her ear to talk. And then lastly, the pict of Brinton I had to stick in there because it is Ethan's masterpiece.
We are all doing well, just freezing with the artic wind that has made its way clear down here!! We miss you all tons and hope to see you all this year.