Monday, November 10, 2008

Crazy sixes

Ok I don't know which Jennifer was tagged on Carrian's blog, but, I'll respond anyway...
Also, I couldn't think of crazy eights, so I changed it to sixes!!
6 tv shows:
Monk, 48 hours, Psych, Sabrina, CSI-Miami, Bewitched (Which I haven't seen in quite a while, I don't even know if they air it anymore.)
6 things I did yesterday:
Slept, went to church, changed many diapers, played peek-a-boo, watched "Get Smart", ate wonderful chicken soup Dan made.
6 places I like to eat:
Home, Texas Road House, On the Border, Chili's, Macaroni Grill, Pizza Hutt
6 things I look forward to:
A house that stays clean, having two days off in a row, going to Idaho to see everyone, changing up the backyard, being a stay at home mom again, cuddling up and watching a funny movie with hubby (at night)!
6 wish list:
I wish I could wiggle my nose like Samantha (on Bewitched).
I wish Idaho wasn't so far away...But then if I could wiggle my nose, it wouldn't matter!!
I wish we all had snow skiing stuff so we could all go SNOW skiing!
I wish I was an optimist.
I wish Football didn't exist on Sundays.
I wish I had some nice hot home-made chili right now!!
6 people to tag:
Meagon, Pat, April, Amber, Jan, DAD!!!


Unknown said...

Ok, maybe I don't MISS Rexburg, but I do miss the easier life. I miss school so much and how much cheaper and easier things seemed. Oh and how could I have forgotten Texas Roadhouse!!! It's my favorite!! Those rolls! LAST THING... What a great idea to do a pumpkin roll stand!! Love it! By the way.. does your recipe have lemon juice?

Meagon said...

I love reading other peoples things, I just don't respond very well but I will give it a try.

Our Unique Family said...

I will get right on that! I love you and am hoping that we will be able to make it home for michealas sealing! love you.

Unknown said...

Mom is online. i love to see the kids. I am excited to be able to read all the blogs, and respond. It might take me a while to remember how to do it all.