Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ok, I'll start from the beginning. It has been a while to post because we have had a lot of things going on in our lives. Also, I could not get the laptop to download pics and then could not get internet access. Of course I try to post while at work when there is enough down time to think.

I will tell about the pics by order of date. Connor loves to hold Hannah of course when she'll let him. They are cute together!! Next is our wishy washy weather... SNOW!! This is only one of the two days that week that it snowed. It melted the next day and then the next snowed again. The kids loved it allthough we have no more winter/snow clothes anymore. Suprisingly enough, Ethan was not interested in going outside at all. Hannah was terrified of snowballs. Brinton, Amaris and Connor and Patrick would have gone out in shorts and no shoes if allowed!! We managed to round up some gloves and hats/scarfs but not any boots, so of course their feet got wet. Hannah is caught outside after the rain trying to get a drink from the left over water from the gutters (YUCK!!). She LOVES being outside, screams and throws a fit when it is time to come in or if someone goes out without her. The next picture is from the easter package from mom, she put in a duck that flaps it's wings and moves it's beak. Hannah thinks it is funny to put her face it its beak!! Silly girl. Oh yes, and how could I forget Ethan's third birthday!!! SWEETY.

Anyway, I must say that we have had an awesome ward in thier willingness to help us in our time of need with the drastic change we went through. I know that this the ward that we are supposed to be in. The people are truly amazing. Our kids have also been troopers in how they have been accepting and willing to help, share and love others. We hope all of you are well and doing great! We miss you all so very much.


Unknown said...

Hooooray you posted! Did you know it is not supposed to snow in Texas??? You left that in crappy Rexburg!

Meagon said...

Its' so good to see some pic, and to hear from you. I sure miss you. I hope we can get together soon. How are things going with the extras??? My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Laurie said...

Hannah is so cute! And it's fun to see new pictures. Okay, I missed something here. Meagon mentioned "extras" Is that why I don't recognize some of the names?

amber said...

It's about TIME!!!! I've been waiting for you to update your blog! I have also been meaning to call you everyday for the past week but it seems that everyday seems to slip by and I can never catch up. It's always so nice to talk to you and see how the family is doing and just catch up. I love the pics! Hannah is so dang CUTE!!! Keep posting!!!! Love you!

Our Unique Family said...

hello hello its nice to know that I am not the only one who slacks on posting.... its been so busy for me as well trying to get collin on a regular schedule but my poor boy doesn't like to poop and he is going through a rough time right now trying to regulate so my time is quite limited to trying to get things done around the house and with ashlyn when I have a free minute from collin. I have been registering ashlyn for kindergarten so my emotions have been all over the place but its nice to see pics of the kids they are so dang cute and that hannah she has a set of beautiful eyes on her!! love you and I want to see you as well hope all is doing better with everythin april