Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I know that this is not the best pic but it is the best most recent one of the kids. All the boys need their hair cut. Anyway, they are all good and doing well.
We had gone on a bike ride together and I missed and cute pict... Hannah was just so tired that not even 2 minutes into the ride (her and Ethan ride together in the trailer) she was sleeping. Ethan loves the bike so much, he didn't want to stop. He even had a 30 min. ride. I guess I wouldn't want to stop either if someone else was doing the work.
Well, how is the weather in other places? Here, we have had very strong winds, rain and even a tornado warning today that kept Brinton's school on lockdown in the tornado safe room for an hour after school was supposed to be out. Anyway, Ami and Connor get out of school 45 minutes earlier than B., so they were just barely out. Well, we all want to visit and see everyone. Or maybe even someone, or lots of someones could come here for a visit!!!


Laurie said...

Your kids are so cute and the older ones that I have met before are all so grown up!

Meagon said...

I love the group shot. That is what real kids look like. I miss you and your family. I hope I can come visit soon. I am trying to plan a trip in the fall. Hanna and Ami are so cute together. The weather here is cold and rainy. If I see another snow flake I really will cry. It goes from the 40s to the 60s and back down. I am so tired of it. I think it is following me though. It rained the whole time I was in CA with April. Well, I hope you are all well and happy. love you all.

amber said...

We seriously do need to plan a trip to visit you guys!!!! I think Brent might have a business seminar in Houston or Dallas in August or October so maybe if they plan it to be there the kids and I can go with him and rent a car to come to your place! We miss you all like crazy and wish you weren't so dang far!!!! I can't believe how BIG all the kids are....they are so cute too!!!! Love you all!

Unknown said...

What is with your weather out there? SNOW TORNADOS? WOW! I showed my mom your blog adn we cannot believe how big your kids are. THey are all so stinkin cute. Hooray and come to Utah!

Our Unique Family said...

True true a mans mind is so different then a womens! I here from meagon that you guys are planing on going to Twin in June for dads b day I might be able to come but I don't know I really want to see you and the kids I haven't meet ethan or hannah so I want to so bad and I haven't seen you and dan and the other kids for so long we need to catch up. It must be hard working at night but thankfully you got a good hubby to whose willing to help. I have decided to go to school and get my sonagram technichians license... its not shift work so chris and our work schedule will never clash. With gas and the cost of living down here on the rise all the time I will have to go back to work sometime soon so I better go with a degree and a license so that I can make good money, so that we can afford to give both our chidren the opportunity to go to college with our help. well I could go on and on Kiss those cutie patooties. love you April