Friday, January 9, 2009


Ok, Ok... So I got the pictures on here backwards! Too late, I'm not going to try to rearrange or start over. We had a WONDERFUL trip to Idaho for the week of Christmas. We were so glad to be able to see everyone and have a break from things. The kids really enjoy all of the family and of course Ethan still doesn't think it is very far to Aunt Ana's and Steven's house or Joseph's house and so we can just go at any time. Ok for the explination of this little sleeping lion; he got this at the first ER we had to stop in in Utah to try to get the battery out of his nose. He really loves the mask (still). We also had a great time at the jump zone!
I really thought I captured more pictures on Christmas day, however it is apparent that I was mistaken. But we were glad to be able to spend the time with family, that makes it seem so much more special. We love you all so very much and are greatful that we can be and eternal family. We are also so greatful that we could be there for Michaela and her family on that special day. I'm greatful for the gospel and what it brings into our lives. Thank you to everyone for being so special, loving and kind.
Thanks to Mom and Dad for sharing their house and facilities, and time with us. You two are so wonderful, and are glad that we have parents/grandparents like you.

Aslo, I really don't know why this page goes crazy with the spacing after I publish it. It looks strange, but haven't figured out how to change it!


Our Unique Family said...

Too cute we wished we could have been there! we missed seeing everyone terriably hopefully someday soon we can all get to see one another! XOXOXO

Meagon said...

I love the pictures. We had so much fun with you and the kids. We just wish Texas was closer so we could get together more often. Your kids are growing up well. You and Dan are doing a great job with them. Love you all tons.

Anonymous said...

Hey sis, I am glad that everthing went well and that your family had a good time. I enjoyed getting to see you and talk to you. I sure miss you and wish that we got to see each other more. I wish that you and Jan could get closer, She thinks alot of you, as do I. Love you.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!! A battery! I'm so sad we didn't see you... my address is Send me and email and I'll get you shopping!!

Unknown said...

Mom said...that is the cutest lion I have ever seen.We also loved having your family here for Christmas.It just went by way to fast.Ditto on your kids are growing up very well! we enjoyed them all very much!Thank you so much for coming! We love you .

amber said...

Oh I can't imagine the trauma you all have been through....all because of a little battery. My nose aches for Ethan's and I hope he is feeling better after his surgery. It was great seeing you all at Christmas and are very glad you made such the long LONG treck. Hope all is going well give Ethan kisses for us. Love you all!