Saturday, December 1, 2007

Ok, I hope that I got the right clip. One of them we got Brinton getting the quarter back sack!! It was a great game and he had lots of playing time. Football is over now and it was a great experiance for him. Basketball is starting and it is not new for him.
I love to capture pics of the kids when they fall asleep in the strangest ways... Ethan is just bound and determined to go to school with the other kids. He had not put his back pack down all week!! He was ready to go all day every day for a week.

This pose of Hannah and Ethan was a night that Dan and I had gone out to Walmart to get a few groceries. Ethan was a little upset that we had gone and therefore screamed and woke up Hannah. Brinton and Amaris took them to the couch to watch a movie and this is how they fell asleep I guess!! At least this is how they were when we got home.

Friday, November 2, 2007

just in!!

Hi there!! It has been quite some time since I have been able to get on the computer. So... since I had a ton of pictures I thought I would put them in a slide show!!
Of course they are pretty self explanitory.
Connor has enjoyed playing soccer this year. Hannah is just having fun growing and exploring her world. She loves to wave and go the back door and wave at everyone/anything out there. She used to knock on the door to get the dog's attention and then bounce up and down playing with her. But since someone stole the dog, I did not get a picture of that. Ethan loves to be a big brother to Hannah. We also enjoyed the pumpkin patch together. They all loved to feed the animals. Ethan and Ami also found a cat they chased and finally cought and of course begged to keep.
They all had fun on Halloween this year and of course now we have just way too much candy!!
Hannah is getting her first two teeth on the bottom and has been a bit sick with runny nose and slobbery shirts. It has made for a few miserable nights this week.
Anyway, we miss you all tons!!

Check out my Slide Show!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Brinton loves to flip and flip on the tramp. I haven't watched for a while so i'm not sure if he can go more. This video didn't come across the best, but I'm not sure how to get it better.

This is the house we are supposed to close on this coming Friday. We are all so excieted!! Anyway, I don't have really any more picts of the kids, so I guess I'll have to get on the ball and take some more. They are all very busy. Brinton is playing football and practices in the morning and afternoon and then has games on Tuesdays. He is also in the band and plays trombone. He was invited to play with the older band at the High School football game this week. That was pretty cool and he had a good time. Amaris is playing Volleyball and is the STAR on her team. She is doing very well and since she is, the coach has asked Dan to take over some of the practices to help the girls advance to where Ami is. She practices with her dad at home frequently. Connor is playing Soccor and practices two times a week and then has games on Sat. He is the only one the coach leaves in all game which makes him very tired!! This is his first year and his team is still trying to figure out the game. It is a good experience for him though.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Ok, these are our last few days of summer. We decided to spend my birthday at six flags. We all had fun. Ethan can ride some of the great big rides and he totally loves them. Like the ship that swings back and forth, he loves. I thought he may be bored after that one to ride ones his size, but he loved those too!

Hannah also got to go on some rides.

There is a water area the kids love to go to there to cool down! Hannah enjoyed a nice biscut then a dip in the fountain also.

The kid's first day of school this morning!! They were excited but nervous also!! they look so cute!! Brinton is a big 7th grader and had to be at football by 7:15 this morning!! This is his second year at the middle school.

These are my beautifl flowers from my birthday!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ok, so this is my second time to try to post. The first time I somehow closed out without posting.
This is the smallest frog the kids have caught in our yard. The biggest frog I guess was about 2 pounds and in our garage!! It escaped without being photographed though. We have a pond around the corner from our house and frogs roam the neighborhood!!

Amaris loves to pose with her sister Hannah. They are buddies!!

Amaris loves to have her picture taken and especially loves to get in whenever someone is capturing Hannah.

Ethan loves his sister YaYa, which is what he calls Hannah. He thinks that every other baby is named Ya Ya also. He loves to play peek a boo with her and is tickled when he makes her laugh.

The kids love to put their basketball hoop next to the tramp and play tramp ball. Makes it easier for Ethan to dunk!!
My kids are very happy when they are playing basketball!

Ehan also loves his sister's swing. Sometimes I think more than she! He climbes in it himself and puts the tray on, then swings himself with his feet or holds onto the sides and swings. On occasion he will be swinging and watching TV and look... fall asleep.
He always wakes up a little bewildered though!